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Why you should quit your first aid service

Updated: Sep 25, 2019

Van delivered first aid service provider
7 Reasons why you should quit your van delivered first aid service NOW!

When OSHA was established April 28, 1971 a new industry was born. By 1974, Federal regulations for health & safety standards were established, paving the way for mobile first aid companies to market their services with the support of OSHA’s 1910.151 medical services and first aid standard. The mobile first service industry flourished during the 70’s and 80’s while helping manufacturers stay compliant with these new regulations from the federal government.

Much has changed since 1974. Health & safety practices have developed over time, include more employee feedback and participation. Unfortunately, many of the mobile first aid service processes are still very much the same as they were 45 years ago. In this article, we have identified 7 reasons why you should take ownership of your workplace first aid program. After reading these 7 reasons, we think you will agree!

1. A commissioned sales person is making spending decisions for you

Virtually every mobile first aid representative is a sales person paid on commission. The more they sell, the more it benefits them. Quotas and incentives to sell are still standard practice in business.

2. You’re paying them to do the job right - but are they?

Have you looked inside the cabinets and confirmed that the appropriate types and amounts of supplies are according to your wishes? Have you given them a list of items you want them to maintain and are they following your wishes?

3. Invoice & billing practices are problematic

Vague product descriptions and quantities are common in the mobile first aid industry. Descriptions like “small box” allow the service to reap profits and blind their competition so nobody knows how much you are really paying for 1 packet of first aid cream. Ask your rep for a full disclosure of quantities so you can compare prices with other suppliers.

4. Excessive costs incurred

Paying hundreds of dollars each month adds up. Purchasing your supplies direct from a distributor will reduce your costs by 50-70%. For years, mobile first aid companies had a packaging advantage. Now you can purchase identical products in the same type of dispensing packaging for your first aid kits from most companies that sell supplies online. Why pay a commissioned sales person more when you can order exactly what you need for a fraction of the price?

5. Monitoring your service

Have you had issues with billing or pricing in the past? Has your representative stocked your cabinets with product you didn’t want or ask for? Have you run out run out of supplies because your service didn't show up on their scheduled date? Do you escort your rep around the plant when they service the cabinets? Monitoring your service cost time and money.

6. Multiple sources of supply

Chances are your service is supplying the first aid and the safety products come from another source. You can cut costs by streamlining your purchasing process. Reducing your paperwork, accounts payable, receiving process and time monitoring the service will lower your costs when you use one supplier for both first aid and safety supplies.

7. You are distanced from the process

When a 3rd party service maintains your first aid supplies, you are distanced from the process. It is important to know who is being injured and how. This knowledge can help improve training, education and overall awareness of what is happening with the health & safety of your facility and employees. Taking charge of your workplace first aid program is critical. Companies where an employee monitors and maintains the supplies lowers their costs. It also builds awareness of the health & safety activity between the employer and employee.

Red Heart First Aid has several different options to help you maintain your supplies. With only a few minutes a month, you can reap the benefits of maintaining first aid supplies yourself. If you’re interested in learning how to maintain your own first aid supplies, check out or give us a call and we can help get you started!

Red Heart First Aid

Red Heart First Aid is a division of Red Heart Training, LLC

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