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October Fire Safety and Prevention Month

OSHA states that employers should train workers about fire hazards in the workplace and about what to do in a fire emergency. If your workplace doesn’t have a fire safety plan, OSHA has various tools to assist you in creating a fire safety plan for your workplace.

Safe Evacuation Routes

Every workplace must have enough exists suitably located to enable everyone to get out of the facility quickly. Exit routes should be properly marked and employees should be educated on how to get out. Make sure you plan for anyone disabled and that you practice routine fire drills.

Fire Extinguishers

Employees should be educated on where to find a fire extinguisher and if you expect employees to use a fire extinguisher, they need to be educated on how to properly use the fire extinguisher.

Fire Safety Equipment

Fire safety equipment includes a sprinkler system and smoke alarm system. Make sure employees recognize the signals. Also, smoke alarms should be tested monthly and batteries should be replaced every 6 months.

Fire Prevention Plan

Having a fire prevention plan can help save lives. Educating employees on how to respond during an emergency can help create a safer work environment.


You can reduce your risk of a fire

  • Routinely checking your electrical equipment.

  • Replace and repair any worn, frayed or damaged cords & outlets.

  • Clean off any dust that has accumulated on electronic equipment or machinery.

  • Check that all electrical and control panel rooms are free of stored materials.

  • Make sure that all chemicals are stored in the correct area and disposed of safely.

  • Never overload electrical circuits, especially important for employee that might use space heaters.

  • Train your employees in fire prevention, fire safety, and how to use a fire extinguisher.


Contact Red Heart Training to learn more about our instructor-led, on-site, hands-on fire awareness safety training and online safety training options.

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