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June is National Safety Month

Join thousands of organizations nationwide in celebrating National Safety Month. Observed annually in June, National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road and in our homes and communities. Red Heart Training will be providing downloadable resources highlighting a different safety topic for each week in June. Topics for 2019 are Hazard Recognition, Slips, Trips and Falls, Fatigue and Impairment.

Share the Message of Safety in June

Use some creativity to engage workers, families and communities in safety this June. These ideas should help get you started:

  • Distribute FREE printable Red Heart Training SafetyShorts (5 minute safety meetings).

  • Create and distribute safety newsletters or blog posts.

  • Hold a safety trivia contest with prizes.

  • Make an activity out of identifying hazards where you work and live.

  • Throw a safety fair, lunch 'n learn or celebratory luncheon.

  • Share posts on your social media channels using #NationSafetyMonth.

  • Schedule an on-site training class from Red Heart Training in the month of June and save 10% using promo code "SAFETYMONTH2019".

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